Unfortunately, we cannot make any changes to the registrant fields without a legal change of ownership, a court order, or an order by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
If you feel that you are the rightful owner of the domain, please contact the domain registrant. If you are unable to find a satisfactory solution with the current registrant, you need to settle the issue with a court order. We do not get involved in domain disputes.
Discrepancies with trademark or rightful ownership are handled by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Their email address is domain.disputes@wipo.int. If a domain name is under a dispute, we lock the domain name once the WIPO notifies us. It cannot be modified or transferred to another registrar. Once we receive a court or WIPO ruling, we update the domain accordingly.
What is a Whois listing?
A Whois listing contains information associated with a domain name, such as its creation and expiration dates, the registrar of record, and various contacts (administrative, technical, etc.). Whois data is collected when a domain name is registered and is public information. The Whois information appears whenever a person conducts a Whois search on a particular domain name.
For information on how to keep your contact information private, see Westwideway.com
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